How to make a booking?

Before you decide to use our service, we have to explain to you for our term and condition of booking step by step.
Send your request to us for your dream vacation do not forget in the possible way. Not just want to have 5 star hotel in the guest house price nobody can do it for sure. We do service in the reasonable price with the best service. Fly high with Golden Eagle golf and travel Co., Ltd.
- Receive price and description of your program, and suggestion the possibility of your program.
- Send the confirmation of your program.
- We will send you an invoice by mail.
- Transfer money to our company account, and fax or scan the transfer slip or mail the transfer number to us.
- Get our receive by mail, and pack your belonging of your dream vacation.
- When you arrival airport you will get the original receive with all itinerary from our tourist guide whose will taking care you for all programs.
- Have a nice vacation back home with the good memorial of Thailand.
Cancellation fee condition?

In any case we will work it out at least 2 -3 months before guest arrival, between the time it might have something happen that you can not come for your vacation. Then we also have the conditional for the cancellation fee.
1month before arrival date |
10 percent cancellation fee |
15 - 29 days before arrival |
50 percent cancellation fee |
0 - 14 days before arrival |
100 percent cancellation fee |